Off-road van Mitsubishi Delica L300
We call her „booth“. Initially it was used for carrying of hot-air balloons and their crew. The next owner travelled with this car throughout the whole Balkan peninsula. Finally it stayed with us and replaced the original Jeep XJ.
Specifications: 2.5 TD engine, rear-wheel drive, becomes four- wheel drive by the driver’s choice.
Number of places: 8

Mitsubishi Pajero Cabrio
We usually take this good-looker for a ride when the weather is nice. You can get a ride with this car when you choose some of our trips or book it for VIP drive and use it exclusively for you. The route will be discussed to meet your needs. And If you want you can try also off-road driving.
What is the price? 6 hours drive with the guide cost 99 EUR. One person or three people, the decision is up to you. The price is counted for the whole car.
Specifications: 2.5 TD engine with intercooler. Rear-wheel drive, becomes four- wheel drive by the driver’s choice. Soft top.
Number of places: 4

Toyota Land Cruiser 100
Before we acquired this Toyota car, it drove as an accompanying vehicle for enduro expeditions to Africa. This car most often cruised sand dunes in Tunis and Morocco and experienced there its fifteen minutes of fame. You could noticed it on TV channel Prima COOL in Moto cestou necestou, a series which was devoted to adventure trips of Czech celebrities.
Specifications: 5 seater Toyota Land Cruiser 4.2 TD, permanent four-wheel drive, manufactured in 2000. In comparison with standard version this car is equipped with lifted chassis, increased air intake, luggage carrier, fridge, independent heater system, CB transmitter and also with an auxiliary fuel tank.
Number of places: 4

Toyota HDJ 80
This impressive giant is driven by our most experienced driver Osky. The ride is surprisingly comfortable even that it is necessary to leap out little bit because of huge wheels of this car. We can take picture of you inside this car and also next to it. That snapshot will be certainly great for your photo collection.
Specifications: 4.2 TD engine, four- wheel drive.
Number of places: 6